Product divider


The product divider is a machine that is placed after a packaging machine that releases more packs at the time, e.g 4 packs.

The product divider is use to divide the products into one single line, so that they can be weighed on a check weigher one by one, or they can be feed to a metal detector one by one.

The advantage of this product is that it is a must for a check weigher to have one single row of products to be weighed, and it is a great advantage in. terms of sensitivity that one one product is passed though a metal detector at the time.

Detectronic has been developing dividers since the late 80, so we have a vast experience with both small, big, curvy, round and difficult products. We can operate with multi proframs that are controlled by an easy operated switch.

Take a look at some videos showing our creative convergers, and please consult us for any needs you have to divide your products in your factory.

Detectronic moving, weighing and inspecting products…. it is all in one solution. 


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